GetActive21 – Day 13 

Yay I did it! I knocked out another 1 hour Zumba class. I hope I’ll still be smiling about it when I wake up. I’ve still got vivid memories of years back waking up with knees three times their normal size after an overzealous dance and aerobics session. 

I checked it out online, and though my knees aren’t particularly the best, it appears that knee pain is the most common complaint for people doing Zumba. It is due to torsion placed on the knees when the feet and knee aren’t properly lined up. Wearing shoes with a lot of grip, or dancing on surfaces with a lot of friction also contribute. So I have started consciously, which sort of distracts from the dancing, placing my feet and knees in alignment. 

  In summary I did 35 mins walking, 63 mins of Zumba, 11,221 steps and consumed 1,346 calories. 

This week promises to be a bit hectic but I’ll try and get some walking in during my lunch hour. I can’t believe it’s just Monday😕 , I’m already looking forward to Friday. 

Ciao everyone. 

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