Clean 9 – Day 4, Food Shopping

I have been sitting in front of the computer thinking of how to start, I’m quite tired as I didn’t sleep well last night for some reason.

I am still sticking with the Clean 9 program and it has been going well so far. Today was a bank holiday so I had  time to get in some good exercise after the morning aloe juice and shake. My workout consisted of 20 minutes of a full body workout from Wii EA Sports Active and 40 minutes of Wii Zumba and I felt full of energy. For my lunch I had hard boiled eggs, basmati rice and tomato stew with my fave apricot yogurt for desert. I typically make a pot of tomato stew and store in the fridge and freezer as it goes really well with everything so you will probably see it appearing in most of my meals.

I eventually went food shopping after lunch and got more rice, beans, couscous, apples and pears, beef, chicken, mixed veggies and the low fat variety of my usual yogurt. I do hope I will have the drive to actually cook them with work starting back tomorrow. I have some leftover rice so I might just have that tomorrow with chicken and veggies.

I got 8,889 steps in, 56 minutes of activity, consumed about 900 calories and 8 cups of water. I have needed much more willpower tonight to drink water instead of having a snack that would throw me off the plan especially since I tend to eat to keep awake when I am exhausted.

I’m running low on willpower soooo… good night guys, almost halfway gone :). See ya on Day 5.



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2 Responses to Clean 9 – Day 4, Food Shopping

  1. Nene Iroakasi says:

    Well articulated. Wish I could be so organized and disciplined.

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